Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lunchtime Companions

I often have lunch at the nearby Point State Park in Pittsburh. Yesterday, I sat down under my usual tree and these two Canadian Geese headed right to me. They were quite beautiful.

Plus, I've lately become appreciative of the elemental inspiration that can be drawn from waterfowl. (There is in facts a group of ducks that live in the stream next to my T stop.) Much of their life is spent in either water or air, so to me they represent compassion and inspiration.

However, as anyone who has been around ducks and geese knows, they're not always compassionate. That is, they can be very territorial and aggressive. (In fact, not too soon after I took this video, another pair of geese landed nearby, and they all put up quite a noisy and aggressive display.) But, the site Animal Totems does have some interesting things to say about Ducks. (You'll have to scroll a little down their page.) Here's a excerpt:

Affectionate and community oriented duck medicine people love and are loved deeply. They often feel a great need to be of service and make excellent healers. Because the coloring of ones personal duck is symbolic, healing with color can be beneficial.

Ducks are graceful as they glide through the water reminding us to be gentle with ourselves as we heal, learn and grow into our perfected self.

1 comment:

  1. We have a literal couple of geese who visit us every year for their gifts of cracked corn treats. They are gentle with us but not with newcomers who try to infringe on their territory! Wonderful post!
