Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Kinder Way to "Banish" Water From Your Laundry

A wonderful thing happened sometime after I started to explore Druidry and other things pagan.

Our clothes dryer broke.

Now why is this wonderful? Well, I told my wife the dryer suddenly started to take 2-3 cycles of 80 minutes each to dry a load of clothes. But instead of worrying about having to spend the money to fix it or by a new one, she just simply said we'll get a few of those cheap drying racks and dry the clothes in our daughter's bedroom (who's currently away at college).

I thought, what a wonderful opportunity to step more lightly on the land. By air drying, we'll be cutting down on both gas and electricity.

But, I discovered something else. I am a naturally lazy and impatient person. However, my exploration into Druidry has helped to make more a bit more industrious and a lot more patient. I now equate chores with the earth, since they are physical things that must be done. And my mindfulness about Time has made me make amends with my impatient nature that doesn't want to take time to do things I don't want to do.

Well, this may sound odd, but hanging up wet clothes has become a bit of a spiritual exercise for me. I'm not only reducing the smallest bit of our carbon footprint, but it's actually quite peaceful to do. And, my wife and I often do it together, which is also a pleasant experience.

But then I asked myself today, "Is there something deeper to all of this?" Well, I half-jokingly thought about how the element Water might feel about all of this. For by hanging the wet clothes, am I not encouraging Water to leave the fabric and dissipate into the air. A nice thought, huh?

Then I thought of how we used to do it. Put the clothes in the dryer, which called forth Fire to heat the Air, then expose the clothes to the hot Air. The Water would get all agitated, hot and bothered and be rushed out of the fabric, through the exhaust vent, and out of the house. Sounds pretty violent, huh?

So, methinks it's more polite to hang the clothes on the wooden dowels and patiently let Water depart from our clothes at it's own pace.


  1. Yes, I wash mine and hang most up too,not because of the spiritual reasons. All my family is big and If I dry the clothes tend to shrink. But now that I think about it is spiritual. The washing away of the negative vibes of the day. I have to admit though I have to throw all my bed clothes in the dryer who wants bed bugs lol Much LOve and Light HOpe you have a wonderful day!

  2. Well now I feel much better about not having room for a dryer in my house.

  3. Just found your blog (and the altar one, too!) I'm looking forward to your future posts :)

    I've been hanging my clothes up to dry for two years now, and they always manage to be just as soft as they would be in the dryer. Also, as I have a bar for hangers, my shirts are already hung up when they finish drying. Plus, hanging clothes to dry helps add humidity to the air, which is always a plus in the winter.

  4. An interesting take on a weekly chore that I dislike. Maybe I need to find the Zen nature of laundry :)

  5. love it.. ive been hand washing for maybe a year now and hang drying. go green!

    and love your blog :D

    greeting for mexico
