Friday, March 5, 2010

Pets and Ritual

There's an interesting post on the Pagan and the Pen about children in rituals. Well, I don't attend community rituals, and my stepdaughter is in college. But, I do have lots of pets. A sheltie and 5 cats to be exact.

When I started doing ritual at my altar, my cats were obviously intrigued, what with all the plants, burning candles and shiny objects, as well as an edible offering. When they first poked their heads around the stuff on the altar, I had the quickest impulse to nudge them away. But then I thought how wonderful that they are getting involved. Most of the time they sit next to me and I occasionally pet them. And if they want to eat a bit of the offering, they're welcome to it. They too are divine, aren't they? It really makes me think how free and beautiful the pagan/druid/wicca world is. It's not about how perfect, ordered, serious and quiet your ritual is. It's how much it comes from your heart.


  1. I agree. I have a (mostly) black dog that likes to drink water from the water bowl on my Hekate altar. I figure she probably doesn't mind, and probably even gave him the idea. =)

  2. Awesome. Thanks for commenting. And BTW, I really dig your blog. I've learned a lot from it.

  3. This is lovely!
    Yes, our two cats can do as they please... as if we could suggest to them otherwise! Merlin always meditates with me (usually on my lap), and both are always present for ritual. Sometimes in the circle, sometimes not. It is nice to have their primal energy with ours, they are a part of our family after all.
    I like what bluedruid said, that's so sweet and I agree!
    And I like what you said about it being how much it comes from your heart. :)

  4. I came to a similar conclusion not too long ago. Let the pets enjoy the good vibes! And, it's certainly a lot less distracting to have them "help" than it can be to listen to them protest being left out. ;-)

    Love your blogs, btw, I'm working my way through your posts tonight.
